Online purchases
- Make your purchases from any department, we will send it to you.
- Individual and wholesale sales.
Payment Methods
- Prior deposit:
- Deposit only the cost of the product and pay the shipping cost when you receive your package (shipping cost usually Q40.00, may vary depending on the area or municipality)
- Payment on delivery: You pay when you receive your package. You have a 4% surcharge on the total of your purchase and shipping.
- We ship through Forza Delivery when orders are paid on delivery and after deposit or payment.
- With shipping of Q40.00 it varies by department, clarifying that the surcharge is separate and you receive 2 to 3 business days.
- Delivery service from Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.
- We cannot guarantee exact delivery times.
- If you want a stipulated schedule, we would ask you to put it in the comments area so we can take it into account.
- For departmental shipments you can track the tracking number provided on the Forza Delivery page,
- The parcel service is totally unrelated to Milita Belleza
Pick up your orders at our Central Warehouse:
- 3rd. 9-01 street zone 1, Chiquimula
- Plaza Tres Marias, Interior Milita Belleza, Chiquimula